Wednesday, October 28, 2009

...take two... yesterday i was like ima give blogging a good ol "college try" and FAILED which isn't the norm for Ms. SHANELLE i'm back with a vengeance! so walk with me...

all the years ive been on this earth i can match a song or cd that takes me back to that day, event, or emotion . its CRAZY but sometimes i find myself in my car or where ever i am visiting those moments weather good or bad-IM NOT AN EMO!! (just so were clear) IM PROUD of me and thankful for all the life lessons. I wouldn't trade my journey for ANYTHING!

i love the night life live shows, jazz, salsa, hip-hop, electrik red, soul, swing, blues, thanks to my father scott "bugs" allen illest bassist in LA ive developed an awesome ear for music i went to ALL my dads rehearsals and a good portion of his gigs even some where you needed to be 21+ ( to get into! For 2yrs (04&05) you would have though we live in the rehearsal studio (musicians choice in culver city, west LA) id go in and get all the mics set-up check one check two fixing the levels adjusting the height on the mic stands lol i loved it!!! i never wanted rehearsal to END i just wanted stay there FOR-EV-ER(sandlot). OH and if the drummer didn't make it you couldn't tell MS ALLEN nothing always had the sticks on deck!!! nothing beats playing with my dad and when he would give me that look like yeaa shanelle im HYPED just typing about it... AMAZING!!!

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